Have you considered a career as an On-Call Firefighter in Portstewart?

Have you considered a career as an On-Call Firefighter and live within a 5km radius of Portstewart? If so, the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service wants to hear from you.
Have you considered a career as an On-Call Firefighter? Do you live within a 5km radius of Portstewart? If so, Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service want to hear from you. Credit NIFRSHave you considered a career as an On-Call Firefighter? Do you live within a 5km radius of Portstewart? If so, Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service want to hear from you. Credit NIFRS
Have you considered a career as an On-Call Firefighter? Do you live within a 5km radius of Portstewart? If so, Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service want to hear from you. Credit NIFRS

Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) is hosting a Familiarisation Session for those who are interested in becoming On-Call Firefighters at Portstewart Fire Station, Enfield Street, on Thursday, January 25, from 7-9pm.

Group Commander David Doherty said: “We are looking for people who are flexible, enthusiastic and willing to serve their community as On-Call Firefighters. These events are being held to introduce people in the community to their local Firefighters, find out what the part-time role involves and ask any questions they have before applying to become an On-Call Firefighter in their area.

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“The career is not just exciting and rewarding but also presents its unique set of challenges. Our Firefighters handle a wide range of emergencies, including fires, floods and road traffic collisions."

Visit nifrs.org for more information.