Marriage Referendum result ‘disappointing’

The Very Rev. Dr. Norman Hamilton, Convener of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s Council for Church in Society, this week said the Council was “disappointed” over the result of the referendum on same gender marriage.

“We are deeply disappointed and saddened that the Constitution will no longer reflect the historic, and Christian, view of marriage that it is exclusively between one man and one woman; the position the Presbyterian Church in Ireland upholds and maintains.

“The issue before voters was an intensely emotive one and to express the historic view of marriage during the referendum campaign often brought hostility and rejection. We hope that those who continue to uphold this view will not be marginalised or demeaned. We would also encourage all Christians to love their neighbours, as the Bible calls us to do, particularly those with whom we might disagree and if demeaned, to turn the other cheek, for Jesus’ sake.

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“While the result is a significant change for Irish society, as a Church we will continue to reach out to all people, whatever their situation, as all are equally welcome.

“Whilst reaffirming our understanding of marriage as exclusively between one man and one woman, we pray for wisdom for the Government and urge it to consult faith groups over the coming months as it formulates the necessary subsequent legislation.”