Columnist: Wit & Wisdom

Adam Harbinson.Adam Harbinson.
Adam Harbinson.
There are many heart-warming reports of ARK moments in recent weeks – Acts of Random Kindness, writes Adam Harbinson.

In the organization, which I am privileged to chair, we have almost 1500 members, mostly over 70 -years-old and many with underlying health conditions. And yet, when we contacted the membership to see what level of support we would need to provide, less than 10 registered a need. Why? Because friends, family and neighbours had already rallied around. But of the 10 or so who voiced a need for help, mostly it was a once or twice-a-week phone call; the need for the sound of a friendly human voice is universal.It struck me the other day as I thought about these things that in times of trouble - a bereavement, fractured relationship, financial hardship or illness - a bond can be formed with those who offer a listening ear or practical support. But what makes this one unique is the fact that we are all going through it together and I think that, compared to supporting a friend in need when only one is suffering, when whole communities are experiencing the same trauma - for that’s what it is - something unparalleled happens in relationships. For example, my neighbours are mainly retired people, quite reserved, kind people, but who tend to keep themselves to themselves. However, on the Thursday evening ‘Clap for the NHS’ there they were, standing out on the road chatting before and afterwards. And I feel sure that the basis of former relationships will have been changed, strengthened and deepened. I now feel free to stand in the car-park and chat with Jim or Ken, Lynn or Mary in a way that I thought would never happen. But will it last or will it dissipate when the lockdown ends? I have a feeling that it won’t change much.

My daily devotion from Richard Rohr on June 2 read as follows: ‘Deep bonds often form during times of crisis, loss and uncertainty; people seek solidarity in human connection. What new communities and associations are being forged right now? How will they grow in the months and years ahead? What lifestyle changes and prophetic actions are being called forth by the new realities created by Covid-19?’ Will the very positive changes brought about by the pandemic last? I think and hope that they will, but it’s up to each of us to do what we can to prevent a backslide to the ‘old normal.’ Let’s each of us commit: No backsliding!

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