Students more attentive after outdoor lesson in nature

Children learn better after they are taken outdoors for lessons in nature, according to new research.

They are much more interested and attentive, allowing teachers to instruct uninterrupted for almost twice as long during subsequent indoor schoolwork.

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Dubbed the 'nature effect', it offers an inexpensive and convenient way to improve pupil engagement, a major factor in academic achievement. They said the results were "striking", with the number of times a teacher had to redirect a child's attention to their work roughly halved immediately afterwards.

Scientists have known for a while that natural outdoor environments can have a variety of benefits.

Physical activity increases among people exposed to parks, while levels of stress are reduced. They are more likely to feel rejuvenated and invigorated.

In children, studies have shown even a view of greenery through a classroom window could have positive effects on attention.

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